shirt design

bathroom mirror

There are less than ten of these shirts remaining from the batch of “un-sold” garments I purchased from the Tribune Gift Shop back in 1994. Step back into those innocent pre-Columbine times when you could actually have a cartoon featuring an adorable handgun-toting bunny appearing in a section of the newspaper devoted to “kids”. Image on the left is a scan of actual shirt, which I opted to take off before scanning rather than attempting to bellyflop directly onto the scanner glass.

Title: Bad Hare Day

Medium: High quality silkscreen on heavy 100% cotton T-shirt.

Size: Medium only (not to be confused with the “Medium” above, but rather the diagram upper right, or if you have an idea of my size you can see how it fits on me in the bottom photos).

Price: $14.95 (including postage)

If you don‘t want to use the PayPal button below, just print out the page that totals up the order and send that along with a check, money order, or well-concealed cash to: Adam Green 3023 N. Clark St., Box #302; Chicago, IL 60657-5200. ANY questions just e-mail.


no pants